A studio is nothing without its team. We at Limestone Games are forever thankful to all the amazing people that help bring our visions to life. Collaborating through a multitude of skills in Art, Sound, Code, Design, and Management, we aim to build and grow a culture that represents us. Our team lights up our lives through their diversity and understanding, in identity and points of view, and through respect and collaboration – be it for work, competition, or helping each other grow.
This is us!

Making games is hard work. From early concepts to playable prototypes to getting the product rolling step by step to a playable final product, making games can be as taxing as it is rewarding. That’s not to say it’s all hard and tough, because sometimes making a game looks no different than goofing off with a few friends. And sometimes making sure some fixes get through for your weekly build is pretty much mashing buttons to run past your goals. Literally. Just mashing buttons. Check out the video below!
When we’re not making games together, we’re trying to drag each other into hobbies that interest us, or exploring brand new hobbies entirely. Every other Friday we try to get together to either game, explore a new hobby, or even help each other see the game development field from a different perspective. We’ve nicknamed these gatherings Schola Progenium, because some of us here like Warhammer 40k… a lot. That’s why we all tried our hands at painting minis – most of us for the very first time!

When it’s not about painting minis or placing meeple, it’s about sharing experiences and knowledge as a game developer – whichever field we’re in. It doesn’t even have to be about making games, anyone’s free to share about any experiences. We’ve had talks on narrative design and game prototyping, as well us joining team members on reflecting on the start of our game dev journeys – from beginning to where we’re all at now. And if we’re not feeling up to any of that, then we all just catch a nice movie together!

This is just a little glimpse at life here at Limestone Games. Making game is a great thing to do, but making them with people you care for is even better! Which is why we make sure we spend as much time together not making games as we do when we’re making them. Of course, a lot of the time this just means we’re playing other games. If you want to see more about what we get up, both when developing and without, watch out for future blog posts. They’ll take a deeper dive into who we are!